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Leitfähige Füllstoffe

eConduct-Pigmente sind silberbeschichtete Pigmente für die EMI-Abschirmung. Diese Pigmente können als elektrisch leitfähige Füllstoffe in EMI-Abschirmlösungen eingesetzt werden. 

ECKART bietet mit der Produktgruppe der eConduct Pigmente eine kostengünstige Alternative zu reinem Silber bei gleichzeitig hoher elektrischer Leitfähigkeit. Bei den eConduct Pigmenten von ECKART handelt es sich um silberbeschichtete, flake- bzw. kugelförmige Glas-, Aluminium- oder Kupfersubstrate, die in Pulverform angeboten werden.

Ein möglicher Einsatzbereich dieser Pigmente ist die Verwendung als Füllstoff in Systemen zur elektromagnetischen Abschirmung. Gerade im Zuge neuer Technologien wie z.B. autonomes Fahren oder im Telekommunikationsbereich muss eine effektive elektromagnetische Abschirmung gewährleistet sein. Je nach Fragestellung können eConduct Pigmente in Farben und Lacke, Klebstoffe oder auch in Elastomere (z.B. Silikone) zur leitfähigen bzw. abschirmenden Ausstattung eingearbeitet werden.

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eConduct-Broschüre: Deutsch / Englisch

A closer look at eConduct.

eConduct powders under the microscope.

A close up and microscopic view of eConduct pigments for emi shielding.

Optical appearance of eConduct powders and exemplary SEM micrographs of eConduct Al 202000 and eConduct Cu 420500 (from left to right).

The right choice of eConduct pigment generally depends on the required electrical conductivity, the application method and the preferred type of binder system.

Our experts at ECKART are looking forward to assisting you – we are waiting for your inquiry.

eConduct Grades

The following grades of eConduct are available.

econduct pigments for emi shielding grades.

Application Examples

Where eConduct pigmentsare needed.

In order to successfully block electromagnetic radiation a conductive enclosure following the principle of a Faraday cage is required.

However, due to low costs, low weight and simple production methods, most enclosures nowadays are fabricated from polymers which are not electrically conductive.

Consequently, such non-conductive plastic casings must be equipped with an electrically conductive coating in a subsequent step.

This can be achieved by using conductive paints based on our eConduct grades. An application via spraycoating not only adds only little additional weight but also allows to equip plastic enclosures with complex designs and geometries.

eConduct Performance

EMI-shielding performance of coatings based on eConduct.

Polyacrylic formulations based on our conductive pigments were spraycoated on PET substrates.

The pigment volume concentration (PVC) for flake shaped pigments was 25% whereas the PVC for spherical fillers was adjusted to 60%.

The reference sample was a PET substrate coated with the not filled polyacrylic paint.The film thicknesses of the applied coatings were in the range of 50 to 200 µm.

The shield attenuation tests were performed according to ASTM D 4935-10.

As can be seen form the graph, shield attenuation values in the range of 45 to 60 dB could be achieved.

eConduct pigments for emi shielding capability.

What is electromagnetic shielding?

How electromagnetic shielding works.

Electromagnetic shielding is reducing an electromagnetic field within an area by blocking the interference with a barrier comprised of a conductive material.

Electromagnetic Radiation is when waves of an electromagnetic field radiating through space. EMR is omnipresent and inevitable with respect to modern electronic communication. Prominent EMR sources are FM radio, TV, mobile phones (5G, NFC, Bluetooth), wireless LAN etc.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI), or radio frequency interference (RFI), is the disturbance caused by an electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This interference can cause malfunction and failures of sensitive electronic components.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is when electrical equipment functions properly in it its intended environment by dampening EMR and thus reducing EMI. nearly all electronic systems are required to meet EMC. Consequently, EMC is a product safety as well as compliance issue → Various EMC standards available.

Kontaktieren Sie einen Experten für EMI Shielding

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