Innovative: IR-reflecting wall paints

Insufficient insulation slows down energy efficiency. However, not all properties are suitable for construction measures. A new wall paint with specially developed pigments saves heating costs and thus improves the energy balance.

Old buildings make up the majority of the building stock in Germany. However, a lot of energy is wasted due to lack of insulation. Leaking windows and doors, poor insulation of roof and basement or even the masonry can cause up to 25 percent of heat loss to the outside.

Particularly in the case of listed buildings, effective external or internal insulation is in many cases very expensive

and sometimes difficult or even impossible to implement. An innovative, IR-reflecting wall coating helps to significantly reduce heat radiation to the outside. The secret lies in specially coated aluminium pigments: Compared to all metals, aluminium shows one of the strongest heat reflections.

With IReflex, ECKART GmbH has developed an aluminum-based pigment concentrate that is used by manufacturers of interior wall paints to incorporate into their products. These paints are already available in the trade under various brand names - please contact us!

The paints with IReflex pigments have the effect that the heat, for example the heating energy, but also that of the human body, is not absorbed by the walls and ceilings, but is reflected back into the room. The human body has to use less energy for

heat exchange and thermal comfort increases. The transmission heat loss via the walls to the outside is also significantly reduced. The supplied heating power can thus be reduced.

High potential for energy saving

A research cooperation with the Bauhaus University in Weimar proved the energy saving potential of this innovative, heat-reflecting wall coating. The university based its research on clearly defined room situations and general conditions. The measurements took place in its special climate chamber.

A thermal model called "Feelix" with a heat flux density of q = 70.2 W/m² supported the measurements. With its heating wires running under the surface, "Feelix" can achieve a skin temperature and skin sensitivity similar to that of humans. Various control modes are available to measure surface temperature, heat flow or a so-called "comfort mode".

For comparison, the university applied the IR-reflecting and a conventional paint to wallpaper on the walls and ceiling. To control the actual surface temperature, the university installed NTC sensors on various wall surfaces of the climate chamber. Further basic conditions of the test arrangement were underfloor heating, an outside temperature of -5°C, a room temperature of 21°C and 

the application of IReflex 5000 White with a reflection value of 50%. By means of various test setups and other parameters, the radiation in a typical old building, a building from the 1970s and a modern passive house was simulated.

Overview of the results of the thermal study

Potential for energy saving with IReflex according to building type

Old building: up to 22 %
Building from the 70s: up to 19 %
Passive house: up to 16 %

Even more potential with optimizable thermal insulation

Building insulation has an influence on the energy saving potential here: The worse the existing thermal insulation of a building is, the more energy can be saved by using the IReflex product. But even in passive houses the radiation values could be improved with IReflex. Through its cooperation partners in the wall paint sector, ECKART currently offers the product as a universally applicable 

pigment powder. IReflex is solvent-free, contains no water-polluting substances (corresponds to the Ecolabel) and is therefore very environmentally friendly. The breathability of the wall is maintained. The finished paint can be applied with all common application methods.



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