„For us, the responsible selection of our suppliers is an important key to sustainably designed supply chains.”
Wolfgang Rothenaicher
Head of Global Procurement, ECKART

Code of Conduct for Suppliers
We attach great importance to long-term partnerships in order to shape the world of tomorrow together with our supplier partners. In addition to compliance with social aspects, low greenhouse gas emissions, resource efficiency and the use of renewable energies are key selection criteria for us. Innovative and resource-saving solutions are given preference in our procurement decisions wherever possible.
Those wishing to work with us must adhere to our Standards for Suppliers.
Sustainable Procurement
Since January 1st, 2020, ECKART has been using electricity exclusively from renewable sources. Electricity is procured centrally via ALTANA AG. In January 2020, ALTANA announced its ambitious climate protection goal of becoming climate-neutral in its direct sphere of influence by 2025. The conversion of the power supply to renewable energies is an important component in achieving this goal. Part of the electricity comes from post-EEG wind farms in Lower Saxony.

For ECKART, compliance with environmental and social standards in the supplier network is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy.
This includes, in particular, ensuring that human rights, labor rights and environmental standards are observed. In order to create transparency across our widely ramified and dynamic supply chains and to ensure the traceability of flows of goods, we consider close cooperation with our partners in the supplier network to be an essential prerequisite.
In view of the social and environmental due diligence requirements, we have established mandatory sustainability standards for our suppliers.

However, our commitment goes beyond pure risk avoidance. We continuously work to strengthen the capacities and capabilities of our suppliers in order to jointly shape a sustainable and responsible supply chain.
Only by working in partnership can we achieve long-term positive change and ensure compliance with our sustainability standards.
We have summarized our activities for you in our Integrity Next profile:
Get in touch with your contact person if you have any questions about products and services