Corporate policy

We are ALTANA: collaborative, personal, passionate.
We are the German medium-size business: intercultural and globally active. These are our values:
Those who would like to shape the future must think long-term. We assume responsibility for environment and society as an integral part of our corporate policy. This preserves the foundations of our growth and opens up new business areas.
A fruitful, long-term cooperation is based on trust. This applies to our employees, whom we encourage indivdually, as well as to our satisfied customers, suppliers and service providers.
Scope for action
Innovation is not limited to research and development, but encompasses all processes within the company. Every employee is called upon to seek and implement improvement opportunities in his or her area of responsibility.
Our most important resource is decisive for our success: employees who are qualified above average and who are motivated as well as committed.
Pigments are personal
We are ECKART. Whether technicians or service staff, we all work to create brilliant and magical pigment solutions for our customers worldwide. Our connection is the driving force for outstanding products and lasting business relationships.

A question of attitude
Our corporate culture is significantly influenced by our control and management mechanisms - at locations worldwide:

IMS – Integrated Management System
Declaration on corporate governance
The advancement of women in management positions is a focus not only at ECKART GmbH, but throughout ALTANA

ECKART is committed to sustainability at all locations worldwide, among other things by continuously optimizing our production and energy facilities
People and society: employees and social responsibility.
The company undertakes to comply with existing laws and regulations, requirements of interested parties and self-commitments, and also to make a voluntary contribution to environmental protection and work safety.

We promote the health and well-being of our employees through good working conditions and high safety standards.
We help shape society worldwide not only through our innovative products, but also through education, science and research projects near our sites.
We have set ourselves the ambitious but realistic climate protection target of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Many of our products are already making industry more climate neutral.
We develop innovative solutions for our customers that make everyday products better and more sustainable. Our solutions open up growth or savings potential for our customers and can change entire markets.
Publication on corporate policy
Our mission statement, our management guidelines and the ALTANA Code of Conduct form the basis for our cooperation. Our values of trust, scope for action, openness and appreciation are decisive. ...
ALTANA Code of Conduct
The confidence of our business partners and customers, authorities and the public in the lawful and responsible conduct of the companies of the ALTANA Group ...
Get in touch with your contact person if you have any questions about products and services