Visit ECKART at RAPID + TCT 2024!

We look forward to presenting our A20X metal powder, the strongest aluminum alloy worldwide, perfect for aviation. AMspheres, our new umbrella brand, offers a wide range of metal powders and alloys for 3 D printing. Our set-up consisting of several EIGA and crucible atomizers enables us to atomize alloys in a temperature range of 500°C to 2,500°C. 

Get your free RAPID + TCT 2024 ticket here: 

Meet us at booth 1252
Los Angeles Convention Center, CA, USA

We cannot wait to welcome you to discuss the latest in metal powders for AM with you! 

Discover our AMspheres portfolio of metal powders for AM along with our new zirconium powders! Get to know our range of special & customized alloys:

Aerospace-approved: A20X! Do not miss the strongest aluminum alloy worldwide!



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